Good morning. I'm Lukas, a full-stack developer and entrepreneur.

I'm Lukas, a software developer and entrepreneur based in Idaho. I'm the founder and CEO of, where we empower anyone to create their own whitelabeled hosting website.

Building a Christian cost sharing alternative to term life insurance

When we released the first version of cosmOS last year, it was written in Go. Go is a wonderful programming language, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen an article on the front page of Hacker News about rewriting some important tool in Go and I see articles on there about rewriting things in Rust every single week.

Crafting a design system for a multiplanetary future

Most companies try to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to visual design, but for Planetaria we needed to create a brand that would still inspire us 100 years from now when humanity has spread across our entire solar system.

Using Gatsby with DatoCMS

When you’re building a website for a company as ambitious as Planetaria, you need to make an impression. I wanted people to visit our website and see animations that looked more realistic than reality itself.

So what's so great about Jamstack?

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Zippy load times.

As many pages as possible are generated at build time, so your users get pages instantly when they request them instead of waiting for a server.

Bulletproof defenses.

Jamstack sites have virtually no attack surface. They're statically rendered and served from a CDN. No servers to hack, no databases to leak.

Built for search engines.

All the performance advantages of a Single Page Application with none of the SEO drawbacks. Search engines can crawl your content and index your pages.

Architected for easy scaling

Ac tincidunt sapien vehicula erat auctor pellentesque rhoncus. Et magna sit morbi lobortis.

Dependable uptime.

Ac tincidunt sapien vehicula erat auctor pellentesque rhoncus. Et magna sit morbi lobortis.

Asynchronous workflows.

Ac tincidunt sapien vehicula erat auctor pellentesque rhoncus. Et magna sit morbi lobortis.

Most recent build: 
Best Practices

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